Stationeries and sustainable efforts

The UN announced their Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. The blueprint has achieved a lot over the last seven years, however there are still issues. The annual demand for pencils had led to increased logging of about 80,000 trees. Despite the massive demand, there are still 1.6 billion disposable pens that are thrown away each year. Surely these trees can have better use than making pencils if those pencils will just be thrown away later. 

So why do we care so much about trees then? Trees are carbon sinks which trap carbon so that they don’t get released into the atmosphere. When carbon does get released into the atmosphere, it is usually in the form of carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas. They trap infra-red radiation which in turn heats up the earth. This causes extreme weather which is most definitely the last thing we want as inhabitants on earth. As global warming progresses, it is essential to reduce the demand for pencils so that we can save more trees. 

This brings us the Exlicon Pen: the latest innovation from Ddiin. This premium material pen does not use any plastic or wood in the manufacturing process. It uses aerospace aluminum which is durable, light, and 100% recyclable. The premium material ensures that you can use it for a life-time. Exlicon Pen is more than just a pen: it can also be used as a hobby knife.

